Editor script that inspects an array in another script to present a choice on current script.

Kind of glossing over in and outs but here’s what I used as an editor script to look up a script in the inspector and recall values from an array for use in another script, to be fair, this would be only useful for making in house editor components or assets for others to use in the editor. but non the less:

You cannot cut and paste this script!!!!! It is for looking at the methodology…but it may help people who already now what there doing, to look up an array on another script and reflect the values in and inspector elsewhere.

Cheers Jon

By |February 27th, 2016|CodeBlog, Unity 3D|Comments Off on Editor script that inspects an array in another script to present a choice on current script.

Vuforia Copying Streaming Assets in Split APK OBB File

Continuing on from my previous post about splitting an Android APK in unity, you may find if you are using a plug-in such as Vuforia that certain assets need to be copied out from the streaming assets folder which has now become zipped/compressed and lies within the OBB extension file before certain processes can be started or called.

Based on my previous post we had a small script that lies in an empty scene this scene is the first scene to get loaded and then calls another scene which contains the main content of your application, this allows the split apk to only have a small app apk size and puts the rest of your app data into the obb extension part.

In this version we add an array of streaming asset file paths which on loading the attempts to find these files and copy them over to the persistent data folder, which works fine with vuforia 3.09 or up, as it also searches in the persistant data folder for images targets etc.


The code now looks like below:-


You may find if you are using any movie files from the streaming assets folder that in some of your scripts where the path was


that you may want to correct the paths as below or in a similar fashion:

Hope that helps

Vuforia, Unity and IOS8 troubles.

This applies from 01-09-2014 to the release date of a vuforia package possibly newer than version 3 to 3.0.10.

If using Qualcomm’s Vuforia plug-in for unity version 3 – 3.0.10 this is what I found was required for building, vuforia to date does not support IOS 8 SDK builds, but will play with retro IOS7.1 SDK build mode with the corrections described below:-

Use xcode 5.1.1 (min required to get a build to apple) don’t use xcode6 will not work unless you can get the ios7.1 sdk in there somehow. (download from dev tools member center, if you upgraded)

Don’t use latest unity 4.5.2 this has some great IOS 8 fixes (like fixes to stop native unity ios movie playback controls from showing, when specified) , but it screws with the vuforia stuff on IOS 8 platforms, it may work backwardly for IOS 6, IOS 7 builds (untested), but it does mess IOS 8 builds totally (qcar errors drop out straight away will not start).

Using Unity 4.3.1 (possibly some versions in between ) building to target IOS 6 (player settings) but building in xcode with latest IOS7 or 7.1 sdk (xcode settings), using Xcode 5.1.1,  works on IOS6 (possibly) IOS7 and IOS8 :-

IOS 6 and 7 devices should just work bar a vuforia media plugin playback issue on 64bits Iphone5s and Iphone6, and supposedly 64bit pads running ios7, the requirment if using that movie texture method is to keep them all at exactly 640px x 480px, with default mp4 base layer settings, anything else to knowledge will help crash a 64bit device.

IOS 8, will work when built with IOS7.1SDK (as described above) however, when you first access a scene with qcar, it will trigger a ask for camera use […]

By |October 11th, 2014|Unity 3D|Comments Off on Vuforia, Unity and IOS8 troubles.

Unity 3D Split APK for Android Google Play – OBB File

When I found myself having to split an android application (APK file) to allow it to be uploaded onto the Google Play store, I found a serious lack of current information and much misdirection possibly due to the recent changes within Unity and the actual Play store itself.

So here is a rough guide that works with unity 4.3 or up, in this example I am only catering for devices running android 4.0 ICS or up ( API level 16), not quite sure what to do with earlier Android API versions at this very moment.


Firstly ignore the asset store OBB plug-in  (it was created for earlier versions of unity, or possibly for catering for earlier Android API’s) going down this route will burn hours of your life.


If you haven’t done so already go to EDIT>PROJECT SETTINGS>PLAYER SETTINGS select the android role out and go to the PUBLISHING SETTINGS roll-out and do the following:-

1) Create a new keystore by selecting a keystore name and password (confirm the password)
2) Select “Create a new key” under Key Alias
3) A new window opens; enter the necessary information.
4) Select the newly created key.

n.b. Remember the passwords; they are not stored with the project (for security reasons), every time you load the project you will need to enter this password from now on.

5) Tick Split Application Binary at the bottom of this roll out!


Again if you haven’t already done so create a primary loading scene with very little content, this will allow unity to split most of your app data off to the OBB data/zip file and keep the APK file size small. As an example I created a scene called Android Loader, so that I could exclude […]

Chroma Key / Key Matte Shader for Textures – Vuforia Video Textures

I was going to place this on the asset store, but someone already has put something on there, so here you go for free, this shader simply removes a set colour with tolerance from a texture and makes its transparent. It is really useful when using video/movie textures with Qualcomm Vuforia plugin to cut out a person for instance on a blue screen /  keyable background to then plant that character in an Augmented Reality setting:

As advised below, this shader should possibly tagged with the keywords IOS, Android, Alpha, Channel. Hope this helps.