Unity 3D – Add A Short Cut To Desktop C# – Hack Method

Having to create a short cut to the desktop for an app seems easy if you do it manually, most of the programmatic ways I have so far found on the internet involve referring to a COM Library/Component to facilitate this, any how here is a slightly hacky version that seems to work for me found on a forum which I have adapted to take data from unity etc

Warning! This method relies upon writing and executing a visual basic script to create the short cut, security measures on some machines may not allow this so be warned.


By |August 28th, 2013|Unity 3D|Comments Off on Unity 3D – Add A Short Cut To Desktop C# – Hack Method

Unity3d Process Calls, Zipping, Command line and Window console Snippets

Recently being making a little utility app for transporting and playing local  html5/jquery based presentation from pc to ipad etc, below are some snippets of code for starting stopping other apps such as chrome browser, cmd.exe, I did these in xamarin/mono really easily however the transfer to  unity was a little taxing on the more involved processes, certainly adding /C before a command line argument was new to me, strangely. Below also includes some code for zipping files in unity3d using 7-zip of 7za.exe, although I’ve used internal .net libraries before sometime 7za for a unity windows stand alone solution is certainly quick and easy.

Unity3d/.Net c# code:-



By |August 27th, 2013|CodeBlog, Unity 3D|Comments Off on Unity3d Process Calls, Zipping, Command line and Window console Snippets

BBC News – Alfredo Moser: Bottle light inventor proud to be poor

The BBC posted an article about the Brazilian Alfredo Moser, who rather ingeniously uses plastic bottles, daylight, water and bleach to help light up his house without electricity during the day at very low installation cost, the idea is already spreading around the world, read more:-
BBC News – Alfredo Moser (click to visit article).

By |August 13th, 2013|Blog, Miscellany|Comments Off on BBC News – Alfredo Moser: Bottle light inventor proud to be poor

Website Rebrand 2013

redesignFinally adding the finishing  touches to the new website / re-brand, feel free to contact me if you can’t find something from the old site! Plenty more content from the last few years to be added shortly, and over time some better tutorials/code and news to be served, take care and thanks for visiting.

By |August 5th, 2013|Events|Comments Off on Website Rebrand 2013