
Health and Safety Construction

Health and Safety Construction

Working closely with colleagues at Doncaster College, Fusedworks identified a number of key areas/curriculum that would be better understood, taught and conceived with interactive educational media. The aim of the projects would be to benefit not only Doncaster college staff and students but attract interest from external companies and other academic/training establishments.

The Health and Safety in Construction Project, I took an existing paper based “spot the mistake” exercise and turned the idea into a 3d interactive scene which would allow users or groups to identify the mistakes within the scene with much more accuracy and from a more realistic point of view. The original idea for the second stage of development, would have been to allow users to mark/highlight the health and safety problem areas and compare their findings with set answers which can also be adapted and modified by trainers, lecturers or industry professionals.

Supported Platforms : Windows, Mac OS, Web


Building Services Engineering (Yhelln)

Building Services Engineering (Yhelln)

When approached in June 2009 to create an educational learning application that would help building services engineering students grasp the basic concepts of domestic electric/gas supply, heating systems, control systems and sound reflectance/ absorbtion I knew I was in for an intense time of programming.

With the aim of meeting five learning objectives from the foundation degree in building services at Grimsby college, the client team and I decided upon showing as many of the concepts in one environment as possible. The piece was built as both a standalone application and a web-ready version so that both lecturers and students could explorer the concepts as a group or in their own time, the piece could also be viewed in either 2d or in a 3d stereoscopic format should the facilities be available.

The piece allows the user to:- look at the construction of an underfloor heating system; look at the different properties of an insulated external wall construction; examine the parts of a combi-condensing boiler, see the condensing and heat transfer take place, examine the flow of hot water through both underfloor and radiator based heating systems; examine electrical supply, fuseboxes and different circuits and much more.

The hardest part of the project was modelling the boiler internals and showing the flow of heat from the boiler, but after 12-14 weeks of work all was complete and the project deemed a success in terms of conveying some of the more difficult to understand concepts to the students in a simpler and clearer manner.

Supported Platforms : Windows, Mac OS, Web