Simulated Performing Arts Creative Environment
Simulated Performing Arts Creative Environment
In 2011 I found myself working on a JISC funded project titled SPACE an acronym for simulated performing arts creative environment, the aim of which was to create an application that allows performing arts students and possibly industry professionals to quickly mock up a theatre venue, stage set, lighting rig, place rag-doll actors and some special effects within the 3d application environment. The application would not only allow users to import their own 3d models, save project files, edit materials and create basic geometry but to also cue lighting, rag-doll positions and scenery movement creating a playback feature with which they could step through and convey their ideas to others. Most importantly the application would allow student users to learn, develop and educate themselves in the practicalities of theatre design, which under normal circumstances due to health and safety, cost and resource implications they often receive little experience.

Jobshop Promotional 3DTV Movie
Jobshop Promotional 3DTV Movie
The aim of this project was to produce a 3d promotional movie for the Hull based employment service ‘Jobshop’. One of the major goals for this project was that the movie was to utilise their existing Phillips WowVx 3dtv to encourage new business making use of the existing asset. The 3dtv was located in good line of sight of passing trade and would need to utilise visual imagery and its 3D presence to attract potential customers/clients and to raise awareness of the Jobshop services. Due to the location on the 3dtv, sound/speakers could not be utilised in this media piece but was added later to enhance the web version we provided for online marketing purposes.
When designing this piece, the client and I concluded that the movie would need to rely heavily upon the use of keywords and images that would hopefully relate to the viewers collective consciousness and at the same time provide a journey into which the Jobshop’s services could be highlighted. It was also equally important that the visuals made the most of the 3d effect, so whilst drafting the storyboard I had to consider carefully what 3d elements would appear effectively and also the best methods of camera movement so as not clip certain objects at side of the screen. The piece took over two-three months to complete, but was both an enjoyable and interesting project to work on. The Jobshop were extremely happy with the end result and feel that it reflected the effort put in by the FusedWorks team, although to fully appreciate this piece it is best seen on a Phillips 3dtv.